ROS2 Getting Started


Currently only ROS2 Humble support were tested and it was only verified with DEY4.0 kirkstone. Other version may of DEY may work but you need to modify dey-aio-manifest repo and try by your own effort.


Ubuntu 22.04 as example

sudo apt install gawk wget file git diffstat file unzip texinfo gcc build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev pylint xterm python3-subunit mesa-common-dev zstd liblz4-tool
sudo apt install python-is-python3

If you haven't install repo and config git

sudo apt install repo
git config --global yourname
git config --global

Install deyaio with ros support

If you have install deyaio and now you need ros support version. It's suggested that you install to another folder like deyaio-ros

mkdir deyaio-ros
cd deyaio-ros
repo init -u -b ros
repo sync

cd dey4.0/workspace mkdir my93ros cd my93ros source ../../ -p ccimx93-dvk

configure and build a ros support image

Edit conf/local.conf and add packages you need. For example, use following in local.conf:


IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " qt5-demo-extrafiles cinematicexperience-rhi cinematicexperience-rhi-tools turtlesim glibc-utils localedef tmux homeaddons"

Now compile image

bitbake dey-image-qtros

Publish and pack installer

cd ../..

Follow the prompts and select correct items. For image type, you still need to choose dey-imag-qt as ros image (dey-image-qtros) is based on qt image. when prompt ask if it's a ros project, input "yes".

You can choose to copy compile outputs to release directory and pack it into installer or publish to TFTP/NFS server.