What is meta-custom

It's a yocto layer that enable many custom recipes. DEYAIO use meta-custom to compile a variety of feature-rich firmware images.




This recipe provide a reference to install files to user's home directory. It can be text files or a pre-compiled user application.


This recipe provide a reference to override original base-files with your own .profile and .bashrc


This recipe provide a reference to run your own systemd service


Only available in some specific branches.


recipes in this directory provide some feature images like dey-image-qtros.


pvpn and openvpndns

These recipes add pvpn support to the target images.

Add the following line to local.conf: IMAGE_INSTALL:append = “ gawk unzip pvpn openvpn openvpndns stunnel”

Note: you'll also need to modify kernel option:

Enable Device Drivers → Network device support → Universal TUN/TAP device driver support


some platform only support qt5 or qt6 by default. When switch to different version it may need to patch or hack. Recipes here can help in a seamless way. For example, ros2 with qt5 support will need a custom qt5.sh placed on /etc/profile.d. Depending the content it can recognize right display backend and user can run ros2 directory after booting into system without the need to manually source environmental script.

To enable ros2 in the image, just checkout the ros branch in dey-aio-manifest.